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Compact Basic Skills Assortment Sets

   “How do I decide what to buy?” This is a question we get quite often. We offer a large number of pre-packaged task sets. Some focus on a particular skill, like Fine Motor or Matching. Some focus more on ability level. Covering all the bases can sometimes run into budgetary limits.
   Compact assortment sets contain a wide selection of tasks which vary in ability level as well as targeted skill in order to appeal to the largest cross section of students.
   Each of these assortments contain 15 tasks. The tasks have been specially chosen to compliment each other well while offering the student many options in a smaller task set that may be easier on the budget.
   There are no duplicates among any of the 4 assortments, so adding on with a second, third, or fourth set will not double-up on any task.

Basic Skills >> Assortments


Task Set Name & SKU# Number of Tasks Total price of individual tasks Discount Your price!
Basic Skills Task Assortment A
15 $892.95 5% $848.95
Basic Skills Task Assortment B
15 $1012.95 5% $962.95
Basic Skills Task Assortment C
15 $900.95 5% $855.95
Basic Skills Task Assortment D
15 $986.95 5% $937.95
Basic Skills Master Assortment Set
(includes all 4 sets above)
60 $3719.95 6% $3533.95

We will be extending our offer of free shipping to August 31st as appreciation to our customers.

Shipping and Handling

  • Shipping and handling charges are calculated at a flat rate of 12% (minimum S & H is $19.95).
  • Please contact us for a custom quote to Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Orders placed online through our shopping cart will have shipping and handling added automatically.

Product Guaranty

  • All Hands-On Tasks products are offered with a 100% satisfaction guaranty.
  • Your refund will include the original purchase price and original shipping charges.

Tel: 800-655-2078     E-mail: customerservice(at)
Completion of the primary task becomes the starting point for a secondary task and vice versa.
To reset the task move the lid
and/or divider to the empty box.